After much thoughts i have decided that the script i want to be somewhat scripted but i also what them to have the freedom of showing me how their life really is. I think the natural way they do things will help make the store even more interesting.
The Shots i want to be very dramatic and really show their point of view. like for the children i want you to be on their level so you understand where they are comming from and how they see things. They look up to the Adults in their shots showing how small they are and that they are still growing and learning from their souroundings.
As for the Coke Bottle... i know these people im going to film very well and i know for a fact that each of the will drink 1 coke a day. and they will nurse this coke all day long and its what gets them through the days. i also like the suggestion of the list. This will show how they try and stay organized and make sure everyhting gets done but in the end it never does.
My post process color palette i want to look very contrasty like Rachael getting Married. I want it to be both warm and cool where the home life is very warm colors to show warmth and comfort while the work scenes are very cool and feel starel and not so loved. This will show how important the home life is to the mothers.
Both Warm and Cool Palette

I need to talk to you about how to get this color look after shooting the video...