Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Process: Part 1

I have began to video tape these families that i have chosen for this project and ran into a large problem. The Children. It seems that when you put a camera in the room they are drawn to it and want to play with it. I also tried to use a second camera but the kids moved from room to room to easily. So my next step is to get a purse or something so the kids cant see that i have a video camera. Something i can move from place to place without the kids really knowing.

Anyone have any ideas?

I would like to get this process going again so i can begin to edit the Video but the problem with the kids is something i have to get fixed first. by next week i want to have some small video's to post up to give you an idea of what im taping.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

You can hide your camera in an object but the kids will "smell" it and want to interact with it. The best bet is to get something that "hangs" the camera out of kiddy-reach: There is a popular Gorilla Pod (but I've heard negative things about it). I would recommend the Optera Pro (I've used this flexible tripod and really liked it).