Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Final Project 2

This is the Final For Project Two... This is all the projects placed together in the way they are ment to be presented.


Charlotte said...

What is Working:
The idea of the road changing from a natural path to a city street is nice (especially where it curves).
Revisions Needed:
A palette needs to be selected (you are using the found colors native to the photos). The natural landscape changed into a Red/Blue-Green Complement because of the seasonal change.
If you choose a Red/Blue-Green complement set, keep the Red on one side and the Blue-Green on the other
Remove or move the red building in the center of the middle composition (move it over to the left so that it blends into the first panel).
Change the vertical dimension of the middle panel: The tangencies at the bottom of the frame are distracting
Watch your technology: there are lots of artifacts

_Erich said...

Well, when I am trying to look at the design of your work I am severely distracted by the lack of quality in the photos. When doing a compilation of photographs to make up a final image, it is good to have a huge database to chose from. It is apparent that your location and or time was constrained and it is evident in the piece.

Color. In your side pieces you do break the analogous color scheme, however,it isn't necessarily bad to do it in a photograph. What your piece is lacking is direction and a reason for that color. Perhaps if the color directed your eye to something interesting or helped the viewer engage with the photograph differently, it would have been useful.

Keep working with Photoshop and ask more questions, it can do some amazing things you have yet to tap into.

Jennifer said...

Your definitely got the natural/ mechanical idea there, it just needs some work. The compositions are a little sloppy and don't really feel like a triptych. A little more planning could help that in the future.

Also, you kind of missed the boat with your color pallet. It is pretty easy to work with color in photoshop, so this is salvageable, just ask questions! Any of us are more than willing to help you out! The trees in the center one will be the first thing I could help you with.

One last suggestion would be the more pictures you have the better. Even if you don't think you'll use them, take it anyway. It will save you down the line, and give you one more to choose from. The repetition of buildings in this is distracting.

Keep going, and ask questions!